Today I was humbled and honored to accept the UWDC’s endorsement to unseat my opponent, Drew Quinn, in my race for the Holladay City Council, District 4 seat.
In my own life, I was raised by a mother who was a strong willed, intelligent, and talented woman, who raised five children while simultaneously baking bread, canning fruit, and at one point, even sewing her own children’s clothing. Some are also surprised to learn mother was an accomplished journalist who was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for exposing the Mark Hoffman forgeries during the 1980s. For those interested in the subject, please feel free to read the Book “Under the Banner of Heaven” and go to the index and look up the name “Dawn Tracy.”
In the current moment, my own wife happens to be a Harvard trained Microbiologist who is in the upper levels of management at one of the most important and prestigious testing laboratories in the entire Inter Mountain West. Given my own background, it should come as no surprise to anyone to learn I’ve always had a thing for strong willed, talented and capable women—and I view myself as a feminist.
Women give birth to all of our children, they often do the hard work of also raising these same youth, and in some cases, they sometimes even bring home the bacon while also running some of the most important industries in our State. If I am fortunate enough to earn the votes of the citizens of my district, I will advocate tirelessly for EVERY SINGLE WOMAN living in my district—whether they be a house wife, a professional, or even both.
We are all in this life together and every last one of us is nothing without women in our lives.