Long time Holladay City resident and US Senator, Mitt Romney, announced today he will not seek another term in the US Senate. In a written statement, the Utah Senator declared it is time for an outdated generation of leaders to step aside and make way for others. Implicit in Mr Romney’s statement was an awareness our current historical moment requires leaders from the younger generation— possessing vision, foresight and moral clarity—to lead our people to a better place.

Through the entirety of his career in the Senate, Mitt Romney demonstrated with his actions, he is a man of passion, intellect, and integrity. In a moment of national crisis, for example, while others took the easy way out, Mitt Romney instead took a deep breath, examined his own conscience, and then did the right thing, knowing full well this also meant the end of his own political career. And yet Senator Romney did so anyway. I honor the Senator’s fidelity to our country’s constitution and to the people of Utah.

If I am fortunate enough to earn the votes of the citizens of my Holladay, Utah City Council District 4 race, I will strive to live up to the incredibly high standards set by Holladay’s own Senator Mitt Romney.